Understanding enneagram instinctual subtypes and where each type's attention goes (part 1)

This week on Unpacked Evan and Tara chat about the 27 enneagram subtypes and where your attention goes. Enneagram subtypes are a combination of your core type and your instinct (the 3 basic human instincts that are essential to survive). We chat about the three basic instincts and how they play out in each enneagram type. Evan and Tara chat about how instincts are essential for human experience and where your attention goes for each. This affects all aspects of your life - relationships, decisions, work and parenting. The three basic instincts are self-preservation, social and one to one and we are dominant in one and that adds a more specific layer of how each enneagram type plays out. Evan and Tara share a bit about each of the gifts and the tension and the growth path towards healing.

Unpacked is a podcast exploring life as messy people. It’s conversations with counsellors, leaders, storytellers discussing the experiences of being human. We talk about the strength that comes from big messy failures and vulnerable moments so we can learn to live more authentically. Subscribe and leave us a review!

-Recess Creek Coaching
-Unpacked Pod - Enneagram Instincts
-Art of Growth Enneagram Certificate
-Unpacked Pod - Enneagram Part 1
-Unpacked Pod - Enneagram Part 2
-The Enneagram Journey Podcast with Suzanne Stabile
-Typology Podcast with Ian Morgan Cron



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